All by Susan Kelly

Get your travel planning questions ready! Answering your queries in our new ASK A TRAVEL AGENT column is, Susan Kelly, a 25-year veteran travel agent, who has spent the better part of her life helping travelers plan memorable journeys and discover the world. 

She has her finger on the pulse of worldwide travel, has access to exclusive deals for our readers, and we are thrilled that Susan is bringing her expertise and passion to our YourLifeIsATrip family.


I retired last year and I’ve got my bucket list ready, but I feel so guilty traveling when many of my friends and extended family members are suffering in this sour U.S. economy.  Should I stay or should I go?

Yes! Go! I can’t think of a better way to spend your hard-earned retirement dollars. But, if you’re looking for a way to assuage your guilt AND help the economy, have you considered traveling locally?

Recently, a couple of random events inspired me to think about the benefits of U.S. based travel. First, a pre-holiday news segment with Diane Sawyer challenged a Dallas family to cut expenses and boost the economy by restricting their Christmas purchases to one American-made present. The premise was that if enough people did this, we could create 200,000 jobs for Americans. I don’t know how the statisticians arrived at those figures, but it got me thinking about how I spend my travel dollars.