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As a group blog featuring different voices and different points of view around the common theme of travel, we welcome you, authors, pros, and those who have never been published before. This is a home for narrative travel writing with one thing in common: every article must focus on a story, a specific story, told in first person. It can be funny, sad, intense, ethereal, but it MUST tell a story. 

Unlike other sites, we don't run destination pieces about doing this, that and the other thing. No top-ten lists. No superficial content. Just real people—who happen to be great writers—sharing real stories has become the #1 website for experiential storytelling and narrative travel writing thanks to its unique focus on revelatory tales. 

Material submitted must be original and not published or concurrently submitted for publication elsewhere. In case of any doubt, authors should seek advice from the editor handling their contribution.

Before writing a piece, be sure to become familiar with the story styles we feature. Then, if you think your story would be a good fit, pitch us! Once we vet your query, or refine it with you, we'll give you the go-ahead to write the piece. Before you submit a pitch or story, please make sure it is checked for grammar and spelling, then send us your best shot. 

photo by Raul Lieberwirth via CCL.


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Since 2009, we have spent hundreds of hours of effort and dollars to keep going. It has remained free and ad-free and alive thanks to patronage from readers. We have no staff, no interns, not even an assistant — a thoroughly two-women labor of love. If this labor has enlarged and enriched your own life this year, please consider aiding its sustenance with your stories, readership, comments, or sponsorship. Your support makes all the difference.